Serving Suggestions — Summer
A Day at the Races!
Posted by Kirsty Ralphs on

Yesterday we were lucky enough to be taken to the races on behalf of the company. We are all very grateful to Tori and Hannah for organising this and had a fantastic time. It's fair to say we're feeling a little jaded today, and have lighter purses and wallets, (all apart from Aaron who appeared to be racking in the wins), and a kitchen full of biscuits to help us through this day! Honestly, it's tough having a hangover and working in an alcohol fuelled environment, but we wouldn't change it. The picture shows a 2 thirds of our dedicated team and was...
- Tags: Alcohol, bathraces, bbq, cocktails, endofterm, experiences, fun, Summer, summerbreak, summeroffun, Sun
A short, sweet lesson in Science...
Posted by Kirsty Ralphs on

Whether you're an earth loving, soul searching, thing of nature, or just your general Joe Bloggs; you're more than likely aware of the significance of the Summer Solstice. Scientifically this is where The Sun reaches the highest point in the sky, blah blah blah.....and in layman's terms, means we will see the longest daylight hours!!! I, for one, am all for a longer day of sunshine. I personally won't be heading to Stonehenge to celebrate (maybe one year), but I do plan to spend the evening in my garden, relaxing with a nice tall glass of Raspberry Mint Liqueur, simply...
- Tags: Alcohol, Cocktail, Drink, Friary, Friary Drinks, Gin, Raspberry and Mint Gin, Summer, Summer Solstice, Sun