Serving Suggestions — Toffee Vodka

Chocolate Heaven

Posted by Kirsty Ralphs on

Chocolate Heaven

It's everybody's favourite week!! National Chocolate Week :) This means we can have chocolate every day right?? Guilt free!  With this in mind @choconchoc have featured our delicious Chocolate Vodka in a massive chocolate bundle give away. Take a look and get your entry in here; I know I'm entering.  And further to that, try this delicious winter warmer. Honestly, it's like heaven!  Mint Hot Chocolate Twist A heaped table spoon full of your favourite Hot Chocolate, with a dash of hot water to make a paste.  Warm up some full fat milk and add.  Then add a tablespoon...

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A Feeling of Sheer Exhaustion

Posted by Kirsty Ralphs on

A Feeling of Sheer Exhaustion

I don't know about you lot, but we're 4 weeks into this Summer "Holiday" and I'm in need of a holiday. The word holiday to me denotes relaxing time. Sleeping, eating and drinking lots, and a general feeling of refreshment!! Ha ha ha ha (queue the hysterical, mad woman laughter) ... relax? Sleep? What even is this? Thank goodness for food and drink.  Now I do love spending time with the little ones so please don't misinterpret this rant. They're bundles of fun and do provide lots of laughter, but there's only so many times I can say "Don't lick...

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Summer Has Officially Started!

Posted by Kirsty Ralphs on

Summer Has Officially Started!

21st June saw the official start of the Summer, and what a glorious week it has been so far. Blue skies and blazing Sun a plenty. But I'm hearing you, it's lovely if you're able to cool off in the pool, or take a leisurely dip in the Sea but working 9-5 all day, glaring out of the window wishing you were somewhere else...not so fun.  We recommend you make the most of these long, clear evenings by sitting out in your garden, feet dipped in the paddling pool, winding down with a Lilley's Bee Sting Cider and Raspberry Mint...

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